I don't know why but 19 weeks seems like a big milestone in my head. Maybe because it is the week before the 20 week halfway point? That seems sort of lame though. We have a few exciting milestones in the next couple of weeks. We are going to Vegas next weekend for our
babymoon. I am
soooo excited to get out of town and experience some warm weather and spend time with Brian without any fire calls or any other interruptions!
On February 1st we have our big ultrasound and will be finding out if Baby is a he or a she. I am really excited and at the same feel like I could wait to. I made such a big fuse about finding out with Brian but now that we are getting so close, it doesn't seem like such a big deal. It will be nice to know so that we can start the nursery, (even though the paint colors and the furniture are going to be the same either way) and I am excited to start buying clothes (don't tell Brian he will have a heart attack just thinking about me shopping more!) In general though I think that I could have probably decided not to find out and been totally okay with that, even though I still want to know...haha...so confusing!
Anyway I will stop rambling, here is the survey.
How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: According to my scale at home I haven't gained any weight since the last doctor's appointment. But I think that
someone's scale is a liar. There is always a difference between the doctor's scale and mine. I think the doctor's lies, it is always higher! Makes sense right?
Maternity Clothes? Still wearing both but my wardrobe is considerably smaller which kind of sucks.
Sleep: Good Still
Best moment this week: Realizing that I am starting to finally get a bump. Even Brian has started to put his hand on it.
Movement: Still just on the inside. I can't wait for Brian to be able to feel it.
Food Craving: Sushi and Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Gender: I still think boy most of the time.
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: I am starting to have some slight round ligament pain and also have been getting heartburn after lunch every.single.day. My thoughts about what to eat for lunch follow the path of what would make worse heartburn...
Belly button in or out: In but it is starting to spread out.
What I miss: Being able to go out with friends and enjoy a couple of drinks.
What I am looking forward to: Vegas and our ultra sound.
Milestones: Feeling round ligament pain, I guess! Hitting 19 weeks feels like a milestone to.