

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Husband

Things that I love about this man:
  1. The way he grabs me around the waist in the kitchen and pulls me in for a kiss and snuggle as we are both laughing about something.
  2. When he talks to his mom on the phone and she is telling him something funny he has a special laugh. One that says I am completely comfortable, open and myself with you.
  3. He is meticulous about folding and putting away laundry (he rotates his clean shirts and socks people), but always seems to miss spots when he sweeps.
  4. After a long day or a busy week where we haven't seen much of each other the first thing he does is wrap his arms around me tight and nuzzle into my neck, like he needs to breathe me in.
  5. He would eat pizza everyday of the year.
  6. When he comes home late from a meeting and I am asleep in bed he leans over and kisses me on the cheek when he lays down next to me.
  7. He has good taste in jewelry
  8. He is never hurtful or rude, to anyone.
  9. It takes 10 reminders and two month for him to remember to get the vehicles scheduled for oil changes.
  10. Marriage and sharing his life with me seems to be his second nature. He never struggles with the "us" it always seems to be his first instinct.
  11. He is quick to laugh and pretty much never gets angry.
  12. He makes me feel happy, safe and loved always.


Alexandra said...

Awww this honestly made me cry! I'm so happy for both of you!! I love and miss you so much!

Angela Minnick said...

Wow...that is so super sweet, Brittany. You truely are a lucky lady! :)